
The 1314 Oracles are the third of the four Keys of Wisdom, a series of artistic digital collectibles that will unlock secrets in the Inner Cosmos.

Mint information

The amount of Oracles you can mint will be based on your holdings, as reflected in your discord roles. Complete Sets for extra WL:

  • Each Inner Cosmos Set gives you 1 extra WL. (By collecting 8 Introverts with different Inner Cosmos passions you complete an Inner Cosmos Set).
  • Holding a Cards Set gives you 1 extra WL (By collecting 8 different types of Membership Cards you complete a Cards Set).

Mint price: WL: 40 ADA +ย 2000 CP // Public: TBA

    What about holders of 1-2 Introverts and non holders?
    We'll distribute the remaining WL spots by doing:

    • Team's Selection for Shy Introverts (Holds 1-2 NFTs) &ย Non-Holders
    • Raffles &ย Contests
    • Partner projects &ย Influencers